REM North Dakota
REM North Dakota
1820 Walnut Street East
Suite 1
Devils Lake, ND 58301
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Brenda Niess, State Director
About Us
Since 1967, REM has been providing a variety of services and programs for people with special needs and their families. Each program is designed around the needs of the individual, coordinating their strengths with the supports available in the community. By providing a wide range of service options, and by adapting those services as the needs of the individual change, REM ensures a quality life experience for each person. Services include: Community Living Options; Vocational and Day Supports; Home Health Care; Homemakers Services; Early Intervention; Rehabilitation Therapy; Foster and Host Home Living Options; and Assisted Living for Seniors. REM became a member of The MENTOR Network in May 2003.
Services offered at this location
- Adults & Children with Disabilities
- Residential Services
- Day Programs
- Vocational Services
- Hourly Support Services
- Respite